How to Water Houseplants (How to Know if You’re Overwatering) 5 Quick Tips ?

Tip number one : Tip number one always useDrainage holes in your pots this is the easiest way of you not over watering your plants now one of the most common things is that you forget to water some of your plants and when you see that the plants are starting to wilter , they’re hanging they need water you go over and you water them but what do you do well the normal reaction is well i’ll just give a little bit more because it’s so sad but what happens then is that that excess water goes down to the bottom of the pot and where most of the roots are and they are now standing in water and this will kill your plants so by having drainage holes and making sure that the excess water goes out of the pot you save your plants.

Tip number two:Tip number two use a higher outer pot than theinner pot of your plant as you can see here and add gravel stonesleica i actually have promise in the bottom of this pot it really doesn’t matter add something to the bottom that raises the inner pot inside of the outer pot like this this is a fail safe way to make sure that you never have your plants standing in water because when you water this the excess water will go through the drainage holes in the bottom and down into the gravel or into the stones in the bottom here and what you’re actually doing also is that you are inc by having a little bit water standing here that the plant cannot reach you’re adding to the humidity around the roots so that that’s just an added bonus.

Tip number Three : How often should you water your plants well the easiest way of answering that question is use your finger check the soil when it’s time to water just use your finger push it down into the soil like this when the soil is dry one to two inches or two and a half to five centimeters down into the pot then you know that it’s safe to water again this applies to most indoor tropical plants

Tip Number Four :

So how much water should you give your indoor plots that is an impossible question to answer but find a frequency of how often you water that is good for your plant use drainage holes use your finger to feel the soil when it’s time to water again but it is our experience that if you find a good frequency a good schedule and always give water during that schedule the plants actually love that and they flourish and grow like crazy so find a good frequency depending on how fast your plants are drinking that water .

Tip Number Five : If you get problems with your indoor plants where you get brown and yellow tips of the leaves like this it could be a problem with your water if your tap water has too much trace minerals such as chlorine fluoride or sodium in it they can cause these types of problems on your leafs tips what is happening is that they are getting sucked up by the roots and they’re transported in the plant and then they are pushed out to the tips of the leaves here where they accumulate and when there get to be too much of these trace minerals at the tips here the cells actually die and that is whatwe see here now these trace minerals are in the water because they are helping to clean your tap water so there are a couple of things you can do about this number one you can take your tap water and just put it in a bucket a vase or in a watering can and just leave it in that for at least 24 to 48 hours by doing that most of those trace minerals will be evaporating from that water they will disappear so then it is safe to water your plants with that water another thing you can do is that you could use distilled water as well you can also use rainwater or filtered water that has taken away those trace minerals and of course you can also use bottled water but that might not be the most environmental friendly way of doing that .

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